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Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to Become a Petroleum Engineer

Petroleum is very important worldwide as this makes up most of the energy sources used in the different forms of transportation in the world. Fuel is what drives certain things to operate and most fuels are made up of petroleum. Petroleum engineers are the group of people responsible for accumulating much of the petroleum used in our society.

Petroleum engineers are people who search for oil and natural gas reservoirs. They also administer the proper extraction of these sources and the storage of these sources into large containers. They carefully plan and man the whole process of the extraction and storage to avoid any complications and accidents. They also determine the best tools and equipment to be used during the extraction as well as supervise the people responsible for each task important in the whole process such as the drilling process. Petroleum engineers also seek for better options in the extraction process. The whole extraction process costs a lot and it is the job of petroleum engineers to choose the best implementation of the extraction process at the minimal cost possible.

Becoming a petroleum engineer necessitates one to obtain at least a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering. For schools without the petroleum engineering course, people may take degrees in related fields such as mining, mechanical or civil engineering, geology or geophysics. While it is not necessary if you work on the field, a master’s degree may help one in landing a spot in the petroleum industry. A master’s degree is also deemed necessary if one wishes to work as a university instructor or in research positions.

Some oil companies offer training programs for their hired petroleum engineers, enabling them to learn more and gain experience before actually being tried out in the field. In most cases, petroleum engineers work in positions where a certification is not required, however, as the time changes, more and more companies are looking for professional and certified petroleum engineers to work for them. Certifications can be acquired through the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) organization. This organization provides guidelines in becoming a certified petroleum engineer and also provides extensive training for aspiring petroleum engineers.

Petroleum engineers can have different options as to where he will apply what he learned from school. Most petroleum engineers choose to work for oil companies as people who facilitate the extraction and drilling of oil and natural gas resources. Some also choose to work for companies that sell equipment and tools for the oil companies. One may also choose to teach in universities and colleges or work as consultants for some oil companies and the related industry.

The world has many unexplored gas reserves which are very beneficial to every one, now and in the future. Petroleum engineers are always in demand in many sectors in the oil industry as they have the right skills and knowledge in determining these reserves. In any way, a career in petroleum engineering is a good choice for anyone who has great interest in oil and natural gas. They must have the necessary interpersonal skills as well to be able to work well and collaborate with the other people who are part of his team.

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