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Sunday, December 19, 2010

25 Things You need to avoid during Job Interview

* Poor personal appearance

* Lack of interest and enthusiasm; passive and indifferent

* Over-emphasis on money

* Criticism of past employer

* Poor eye contact with interviewer

* Late to interview

* Failure to express appreciation for interviewer’s time

* Asks no questions about the job

* Unwillingness to relocate

* Indefinite answer to question

* Overbearing, aggressive, conceited with ‘know-it-all’ complex

* Inability to express self clearly; poor voice, poor diction, poor grammar

* Lack of vitality

* Lack of maturity

* Lack of planning for career, no purpose or goals

* Lack of confidence and poise, nervous, ill at ease

* Failure to participate in activities

* Expects too much too soon

* Makes excuses, evasive, hedges on unfavourable factors on record

* Lack of tact

* Lack of courtesy, ill-mannered

* Sloppy application form

* No interest in company or industry

* Cynical

* Intolerant, strong prejudices

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