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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Job Vacancy at The National Mathematical Centre

Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for appointment to the positions of RESEARCH PROFESSORS in the fields of Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Statistics and Computer Science at the National Mathematical Centre (NMC) Abuja.
The National Mathematical Centre (NMC) Kwali -Abuja is charged by law to see, among other things, to the training and development of high level personnel in mathematical sciences, including mathematics, statistics, computer science and theoretical physics, for Nigerian and African institutions; the creation of a resource centre to serve national and international communities as a focal point for advanced research and training in mathematical sciences and applications as well as encourage and support activities leading to the improvement of the teaching and learning of mathematical sciences at all levels


A Research Professor of an Academic Programme (School) is responsible, among other things, to the Director General for the day-to-day administration of the School.

Several, normally not less than ten (10) years of teaching, research and or professional experience in a University, an Institution of University standing, or comparable institution preferably a higher degree such as a doctorate or its professional equivalent;
Ability to initiate, develop and supervise research projects
Some administrative experience;
Scholarly publications in reputable journals and in the case of books by reputable publishers;
Experience in initiating, developing and directing academic group projects;
Experience in working with inter-disciplinary groups.
Applicants for the post of Research Professor must also have several years experience in teaching/research in the Mathematical Sciences and his/her publications should have established him/her as an authority in his/her area of research interest.
He/she must have had adequate relevant administrative experience in the running of a Department/school/faculty or similar such unit in a Tertiary Level Institution. There should be evidence of academic leadership.

Terms of Appointment and Other Conditions of Service
The basic salary attached to the position of Research Professor is CONUASS 07
Entry point depends on years of cognate experience.
Other allowances and fringe benefits are as currently applicable in the Federal Universities as prescribed by the Federal government of Nigeria and as determined from -time to time by the Governing Council of the National Mathematical Centre Abuja.
The post is tenure and in rare cases by Contract as stipulated -in the Federal Government Policy on Contract Appointments.


Interested candidates are requested to forward twenty (20) copies of detailed application with one set of photocopies of certificates and relevant credentials as well as a full curriculum vitae indicating:
Full Names (Surname First)
Place and Date of Birth (including Day, Month, and Year)
Permanent Address
Current Contact Address
Marital Status
Number and Ages of Children
State of Origin
Educational Institutions Attended with Oates
Academic and Professi6naiQualifications Obtained with Oates (attach copies)
Previous employers and Posts held with Dates, including detailed working experience
Present Employer, Post and Salary indicating detailed schedule of work
List of Publication with Dates stating journals in which published
Extra Curricular
Names and Addresses of three (3) referees for the post (one of the referees must be a professional or authority in the University or Institutions)

Candidates are advised to request their referees to forward the confidential reports of them direct to the Director General, National Mathematical Centre, Sheda-Kwali Abuja

Applications are to be submitted under confidential cover in sealed envelope marked at the top left hand comer “RESEARCH PROFESSOR” and addressed to:

The Director General
National Mathematical Centre
Private Mail Bag 118
Garki, Abuja.

Only applications of shortlisted candidates will be acknowledged.
Professor Sam 0. Ale OFR, NPOM, mni
Director General

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